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          97 Archival description results for Labour

          18 results directly related Exclude narrower terms
          CA ON00318 B 14 · Fonds · 1926-1947

          The fonds contains files of correspondence, employee data, and labour agreements related to the Abitibi Power and Paper Company Inc.

          Abitibi Power and Paper Company
          Alfred H. Fraser fonds
          CA ON00159 P053 · Fonds · 1964-1972

          This fonds reflects Alfred Fraser’s involvement in the Sudbury labour movement. More specifically, it contains the Canadian United Steelworkers of America (USWA) policies on a mine steward's duties and functions and some subsidiary material on the steward’s role as a trainer. Fraser’s fonds also contains handbooks, collective bargaining agreements, booklets on labour policies and mine operations, as well as documents on health and safety. Finally, the fonds contains printed material from The Labour College of Canada.

          Fraser, Alfred H.
          CA ON00159 P140 · Fonds · n.d.; 1917-2006

          The Archibald and Robin McArthur fonds attests to the roles played by the McArthurs in the mining and labour movement in Northern Ontario. The fonds consists of correspondence, minutes, and other print materials from Mine Mill Local 598 and other unions. The fonds also contains memorabilia, books, pamphlets, newspapers, articles, clippings, and photographs accumulated by both McArthurs.

          More specifically, the Archibald McArthur series provides insight into his role in the Mine Mill Local 598 and its early period of organization, with a focus on early collective agreements between Mine Mill and Falconbridge.

          The Robin McArthur series contains specific documentation about elections in Mine Mill Local 598 and McArthur's participation in these elections. The series also provides insight into the Mine Mill-Steelworkers dispute and eventual merger, which are significant events in Sudbury's and Ontario’s labour history. Finally, this series provides information regarding McArthur’s involvement in other unions including the RWDSU.

          This fonds is arranged into two series: Series A: Archibald McArthur; Series B: Robin McArthur.

          McArthur, Archibald
          Barbara Dunphy fonds
          CA ON00159 P047 · Fonds · 1982

          The Barbara Dunphy fonds consists of audiotaped interviews of wives of miners from the Kirkland Lake area, and a few accompanying notes on the project. The interviews were done with the intention of producing a film, which did not get off the ground due to funding problems. Among the interviewees are: Myrtle MacLeod, Clara Golden, Kay Carlin, Anna Welyhorsky, Georgina Lebine, Mrs. Allison Mills, and Carol Magnusen.

          Dunphy, Barbara
          Brian Hogan fonds
          CA ON00159 P003 · Fonds · [ca. 1975-1977]

          The Brian Hogan fonds consists of research notes collected for the book on the 1919 strike by silver workers in Cobalt, Ontario titled Cobalt: Year of the Strike.

          Hogan, Brian F., 1946-
          CA ON00318 B 5 · Fonds · 1903-1968

          The fonds contains minute books, records, lists, financial statements, correspondences, reports, submissions, agreements, and documents regarding the affairs and business of the local division of the Brotherhood of Locamotive Engineers, division 631.

          Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers Division 631
          CA ON00159 P015 · Fonds · 1902-1988 (predominant 1980-1984)

          The fonds consists of records that are directly related to the organization of Local 187. The records include: original charters for Locals 187 and 192, their constitution and by-laws, reports, minutes, convention proceedings, and collective agreements booklets. These documents provide some insight to the operation of union locals that represented Railway Carmen in Northeastern Ontario, and their position within the context of the larger organization. When the Canadian Division joined CAW, individual locals of the Rail Division gained more prominence at the national level.

          Brotherhood of Railway Carmen. Local 187
          CA ON00318 B 40 · Fonds · 1953-1997

          The Canadian Auto Worker Local # 1075 Fonds are composed of eleven series which containing minute books, member records, safety files, legal files, agreements, correspondence and financial records that document the activities of both the local # 1075 division of the Canadian Auto Workers Association operating at Can-Car in Thunder Bay and its members.

          Canadian Auto Worker Local #1075
          Cleve Kidd fonds
          CA ON00159 P002 · Fonds · 1938-1990, predominant 1958-1972

          The Cleve Kidd fonds consists of notes and correspondence, negotiation files, reports, speeches, photographs. Constitutions, articles, printed material and newspaper clippings are also included. The professional achievements of Cleve Kidd in the labour movement, and concerns at the personal level from 1940-1990, are found in the records. His role as arbitrator and conciliator in the field of labour and industrial relations is well documented. The records provide insight to the activities of Canadian unions working in conjunction with labour groups in the Caribbean and the United States. The photographs of the fonds depict his work for the United Steelworkers of America (USWA) on the international stage. The proceedings of the negotiations between the Canadian Pacific Airlines and Trans-Canada Airlines are also well documented in the fonds.

          Kidd, Cleve, 1909-1999
          CA ON00402 RS · Collection · 1963, 1966, 1981, 1988, 1996, 2003

          The collection includes textual, audiovisual and sound documents about the 1963 strike and the Reesor Siding shooting. Three of the series mainly contain reproductions of newspaper clippings as well as various textual documents. Documents pertaining to Paul Doucet’s play Le silence d’une tragédie can be found in one of the series. There also is a series containing the funeral cards of the three strikers who lost their lives during the shooting. The last series contains sound and audiovisual documents.

          Événements Reesor Sding

          Original records and research collections arranged by a variety of subjects and creators.

          • Bay Street Project research materials
          • Business & industry
          • Genealogy, people, & families
          • Greeting cards
          • News articles
          • Einar Nordstrom collection (phonographs & transcripts)
          • Organizations (including Suomalainen Osasto (Finnish Association), Finnish Building Company, Canadan Teollisuusunionistinen Kannatus Liitto (CTKL), Canadan Uutistoimisto (CUT), Vapaus Publishing Company, Tyolaisnaisten Liitto, Port Arthur Finnish History Society, Port Arthur Finnish Language School)
          CA ON00370 F0290 · Fonds · 1940, 1943

          The fonds consists of several photo reproductions of typed statements and documents used in a meeting of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Canada, 22-23 January, 1943; the primary document being The Canker of Factionalism. The statements are from several CPC members who participated in self-criticism and confessional sessions for their errant ways.

          Communist Party of Canada
          CA ON00159 P102 · Collection · 1958-1967

          The collection consists of copies of interviews, programs, commentaries and news reports aired on Sudbury radio and television stations, including CKSO, CHNO and CBC, from 1958-66. All are related to trade unions in Ontario, but most of the events and activities described took place in the Sudbury region. Particular reference is made to the struggle between the United Steelworkers of America (USWA), Local 6500, and the International Union of Mine, Mill, and Smelter Workers (IUMMSW), Local 598, to represent the workers in the mining industry. There are reports on the 1958 Mine Mill strike, the USWA raids in Port Colborne and Sudbury, bargaining issues, and trade unions and communism. Prominent union leaders and activists express their opinions on a variety of issues, including David Lewis, Terry Mancini, Ken Smith, Mike Solski, Don Gillis, Nels Thibault, and Larry Sefton. Some of the talks and speeches are by civic leaders such as Mayor John Fabbro as well as politicians from the federal and provincial ridings for the region. A list and description of the tapes provided by the National Archives is also included in the fonds.

          Denison Mines fonds
          CA ON00159 P007 · Fonds · 1956-1991

          The Denison Mines fonds consists of correspondence, union-management agreements, contracts, maintenance files, security files, health and safety files, accounting and shipping files, personnel records, housing plans, and development files. It also contains maps and engineering diagrams, photographs, and a complete series of Denison Mines publication “Nucleus.”

          Although not all level of operations are documented, and despite there being gaps for different years, the records of this fonds inform us on the Denison Mines administrative and business activities. Files on shipping of extracted minerals are included in the fonds. Their role in the development of the city of Elliot Lake, as well as the closing of the mine site in Elliot Lake and its implication for the city, are documented.

          Denison Mines Limited
          Dr. Ernst Zimmermann fonds

          Papers relate to research, teaching, and the union, community, and political activities of Dr. Ernst Zimmermann, professor of history and Dean of Arts at Lakehead University.

          Einar Nordstrom collection

          Pamphlets, photographs, newspapers, magazines, account books, ledgers, membership books, and manuscripts for the Scandinavian Workers Club of Port Arthur.

          Elizabeth Quinlan Collection
          CA ON00159 P211 · Collection · 2010

          The Elizabeth Quinlan Collection consists of 6 interview transcripts. They include an interview with Kay Carlin from 1982 conducted by Barbara Dunphy; an interview with Anne Macks from May 3, 1993, conducted by Mercedes Steedman; an interview with Millie McQuaid conducted by Steedman; an interview with Olga St. Jean conducted on May 4, 1993, by Susan Vanstone; an interview with Pearl (Patricia) Chytuk conducted on May 12, 1993; and an interview with Val Biloki in 2 parts. These interviews concern the role of women in the Sudbury, Ontario, labour movement during the first half of the 20th century. The interviews were transcribed in 2010.

          Finlandia Club collection
          Collection · 1903 - 1965

          Collection is organized into the following series:
          I. Hoito Restaurant
          II. Port Arthur Workingmen’s Association: Imatra no. 9
          III. C.T.K.L. (Canadian Industrial Unions: Port Arthur’s Finnish Association)
          IV. C.U.T. (Canadian News Service) and C.T.K.L.
          V. Finlandia Club
          VI. Finnish Socialist Local no. 6: Port Arthur
          VII. Lumber Workers’ Industrial Union of the One Big Union
          VIII. New Attempt Temperance Society
          IX. Finnish Athletic Club: Nahjus
          X. Finnish Building Company
          XI. Miscellaneous

          Finnpraxis Project

          Collected records related to organized labour and the Finnish community in Thunder Bay. Include records related to the Canadan Suomalaisen Jarjesto (Finnish Organization of Canada), Vapaus Publishing Company, Canadan Farmarien Yhteysliitto (Farmers' Unity League of Canada), Lumber & Agricultural Workers Industrial Union of Canada.

          Also includes forms and notes related to oral history interviews.