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By-Law No. 80. For Licensing and Regulating Milk and Cream Vendors, and for Providing for the Inspection of Milk, Cream, Cows, Cow Byres and Dairies
By-Law No. 80. For Licensing and Regulating Milk and Cream Vendors, and for Providing for the Inspection of Milk, Cream, Cows, Cow Byres and Dairies
Voters' List, 1909, Municipality of the Town of Copper Cliff, District of Sudbury
Voters' List, 1909, Municipality of the Town of Copper Cliff, District of Sudbury
Assessment Roll for the Municipality of the Town of Copper Cliff for 1905
Assessment Roll for the Municipality of the Town of Copper Cliff for 1905
Report No. 4 Corporation of the Town of Copper Cliff Report and Financial Statements Year Ended December 31, 1946
Report No. 4 Corporation of the Town of Copper Cliff Report and Financial Statements Year Ended December 31, 1946
Financial Statements
Financial Statements
Assessment Roll for the Municipality of the Town of Copper Cliff for 1906
Assessment Roll for the Municipality of the Town of Copper Cliff for 1906
Voters' List, 1910, Municipality of the Town of Copper Cliff, District of Sudbury
Voters' List, 1910, Municipality of the Town of Copper Cliff, District of Sudbury
By-Law No. 100. A By-Law to Regulate Traffic on the Streets and Highways of the Town of Copper Cliff
By-Law No. 100. A By-Law to Regulate Traffic on the Streets and Highways of the Town of Copper Cliff
Auditor's Reports 1944
Auditor's Reports 1944
By-Law 61-10 (As Amended) Being a By-Law of the Corporation of the Town of Copper Cliff for the Regulation of Traffic
By-Law 61-10 (As Amended) Being a By-Law of the Corporation of the Town of Copper Cliff for the Regulation of Traffic
Assessment Roll for the Municipality of the Town of Copper Cliff for 1907
Assessment Roll for the Municipality of the Town of Copper Cliff for 1907
Auditor's Reports 1945
Auditor's Reports 1945
Auditor's Reports
Auditor's Reports
Voters' List, 1911, Municipality of the Town of Copper Cliff, District of Sudbury
Voters' List, 1911, Municipality of the Town of Copper Cliff, District of Sudbury
Assessment Roll for the Municipality of the Town of Copper Cliff for 1908
Assessment Roll for the Municipality of the Town of Copper Cliff for 1908
General Ledgers
General Ledgers
Auditor's Reports 1946
Auditor's Reports 1946
Voters' List, 1915, Municipality of the Town of Copper Cliff, District of Sudbury
Voters' List, 1915, Municipality of the Town of Copper Cliff, District of Sudbury
Auditor's Reports 1947
Auditor's Reports 1947
Cash Books
Cash Books