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Marsh Store
Fonds · 1862-1955

The Marsh Store was a community hub for Coldstream and Lobo Township. There are eight series. These include store records, sawmill and gristmill records, and woollen mill records. Other businesses that operated out of there were: the Coldstream Telephone Company ; Lobo Mutual Fire Insurance; and the Great Western Railway and Telegraph Company. Of special interest are the magazines and books located in the Public Library collection which also operated out of the Marsh Store. Jacob Marsh was also involved with the local council which also operated from his store.

Marsh Store
ON00120 016-.1-5 · Series · 1921 - 1942
Part of Kantokosken/Kosken, Koivulan ja Korpelan perheen arkistot

Sarja sisältää kaksi käsinkirjoitettu suosituskirjeitä; yksi Anna Koivulalle (Anna Kantokoski), ja yksi hänen tytär Ann Chisholmille (Ann Eva Kantokoski/Koski). Apteekin rouva Lydia Lofman kirjoitti Anna Koivulan (syntynyt 1903) suosituskirje Lapuassa, Suomessa, Toukokuun ensimmainen päivä 1921, ja varmenti hänen työtä keittiössä. Mrs. J. Ferrier kirjoitti Ann Chisholmsille (sytynyt 1924) suosituskirje Sudbury, Ontariossa, Keskuun 14, 1942, ja varmenti hänen työtä Ferrierin talolla siivoojana.

ON00120 016-.1-6 · Series · 1939 - 1973
Part of Kantokosken/Kosken, Koivulan ja Korpelan perheen arkistot

Sarja sisältää Kantokosken perheen virkatodisteita Alajärven seurakunnasta, Lapuan hiippakunnassa, Suomessa ja ripellepääsy todistus Sudbury, Ontario. Ensimmäinen virkatodistus on Alajärven seurakunnasta, Lapuan hiippakunnassa, Suomessa, päivetty Toukokuun 13, 1961. Virkatodistus varmentaa Matti Kantokosken syntymäpäivää (Maaliskuun 23, 1901), Anna Milja (Kantokosken)syntymäpäivää (Syyskuun 24, 1903) ja Eeva Annikki Kantokosken syntymäpäivää (Toukokuun 8, 1924). Virkatodistus myös varmentaa Matti Kantokosken vihkimistä Anna Milja Koivulaan (Marraskuun 24, 1923), ja Matti Kantokosen kuolemaa (Toukokuun 15, 1956). Virkatodistus on allekirjoitettu J. Laurilalla. Toinen virkatodistus on myös Alajärven seurakunnasta, Lapuan hiippakunnassa, Suomessa, päivetty Kesäkuun 13, 1973. Virkatodistus varmentaa Eeva Annikki Kantokosken syntymäpäivää (Toukokuun 8, 1924), päivä hän kastettiin (Toukokuun 19, 1924), hänen vanhemman nimet (Matti Niilo Kantokoski & Anna Milia), hänen kummin nimet (Kustaa Kantokoski & Aino Kantokoski), ja pastori joka hänet kastoi (J.H. Peltokallio). Tämä virkatodistus on allekirjoitettu O.M. Tunturilla. Viimeinen virkatodistus on päivetty Heinäkuun 23, 1939. Ripellepääsy todistus on annettu Eeva Annikki Koski, joka ilmaisee hänen ripellepääsy Suomen Evankelisluterilainen Kirkon, Sudbury, Ontario. Tämä virkatodistus on allekirjoitettu pastori [Mathew Lepisto].

CA ON00340 F2853 · Fonds · 1875-2014

Fonds consists of baptisms, 1898-1915, marriages, 1897-1921, and burials, 1897-1914, of New Hamburg Methodist Mission (including Beverly); records, including marriage certificate stubs, 1875-1880, of St. James Methodist Church, 1875-1925; records, including baptisms, 1888-1917, of St. Paul's Presbyterian Church, Waterloo, 1888-1926; records, including baptisms, 1906-1968, marriage, 1896-1990, and burial, 1902-1934, 1954-1992, of First United Church, 1896-2014.

CA ON00340 F3707-3 · Series · 1980-2011
Part of Reed Family fonds

Series consists of Missionary Kids in West China / Missionary Kids and The Canadian School in West China Newsletter, 1998-2011, correspondence, letters, clippings.

Robert Delledonne collection
CA ON00334 F 30 · Series · 1825-1991

This collection is rich in social and cultural history of the village of Lakefield in the 19th history.

Collection of Robert Delledonne consisting of voters’ list, Lakefield, 1945-53; Charles Percy, Trent Canal timber charges, 1896; Women’s Institute, xxx; Mavis Birch ledger, 1922, 1937; Village of Lakefield Treasurer’s book, 1875-1897; Clarice M. Kidd, scrapbooks, c1930s to c1960s; Lakefield schools, 1889-1978, 1991; Ayotte family papers, 1830s-1980s; Lakefield, Grand Trunk Railway, 1893-1902 including freight way bills, 1893-1902, ledger, 1896-97, assessment papers, ticket stubs, daily report logs; Lakefield News, scattered issues, 1900-1954; maps, 1883, 1950’s; literary manuscripts and drafts related to the Lakefield history, 1990s; research materials, scrapbooks, news clippings, photographs on varied aspects of the history of Lakefield; copies of township directories, 1857-1917, 1948; and copies of voter’s lists, land deeds and wills significant to the history of Lakefield. The collection includes many local history books and Dun and Bradstreet mercantile register, Canada, 1935, 1938, 1940, 1949.

The papers are organized in the Following Series:
A. Directories, 1857-1948, 1 cu ft; files 1-54
B. Lakefield and Young’s Point, 1856-1991, 2.2 cu ft; files 55-249
C. Lakefield Women’s Institute, c1970’s, .3 cu ft; files 250-256
D. Clarice M. Kidd Scrapbooks, c1940’s to 1960’s, .5 cu ft; files oversize 19-25, files 257-262
E. Schools, 1889-1978, 1991, 1 cu ft; files 263-285, 293-312
F. Ayotte family papers, 1830’s-1980s, 1 cu ft; files oversize 37, 38, 39, 313-357
G. Lakefield Grand Trunk Railway, 1893-1902, 1 cu ft; files 611-649
H. Lakefield News, 1990-1955, and other newspapers, .5 cu ft; files 358-385, 603-610
I. Maps and plans, 1883, 1950s, .5cu ft; files 398-440
J. Photographs and Postcards of Lakefield People and Businesses, Calendars; files 286-292, 386-397, 521-566, 602
K. Mixed Items, Lakefield and Peterborough; files 441-520, 567-601, 609-610
L. Lakefield history books

Minutes and Correspondence
CA ON00340 F566-1 · Series · 1874-1930
Part of United Church of Canada Committees on Law and Legislation

Series consists of Minutes of the Committee on Law and Legislation, 1921-1942, correspondence and letterbooks of committees’ and church lawyers, 1927-1936, minutes of the Joint Committee on Church Union, 1923-1927; records on Church Union Legislation, Commissions and Miscellaneous, 1874-1930.

Legal Issues
CA ON00340 F566-5 · Series · 1926-1968
Part of United Church of Canada Committees on Law and Legislation

Series consists of non property/property files covering legal issues, 1927-1968, boards, departments and committees, 1926-1964; and property and estate files and enquiries of the church barrister Armond T. Whitehead, 1942-1949.

CA ON00340 F571 · Fonds · 1967-1997

Fonds consists of minutes, 1976-1997; nominations to college boards and committees, 1980-1985; and correspondence and reports.
