Item is a copy of the Annual Announcement of the Woman’s Medical College for the school year 1893-1894.
The content includes a listing of board of trustees and members of teaching staff, Toronto special inducements to women pursuing the Study of Medicine, hints for intending students in medicine, practical courses outline, clinical instruction, associated hospitals (The Toronto General Hospital, St. Michael's Hospital, The Victoria Hospital for Sick Children, The Toronto Dispensary, Other Charities), college examinations fee outline, course and examination fees, recommended textbooks, summer session outline, student societies (The Students' Association and Young Women's Christian Association), matriculation requirements, charts of the students standing at the examinations of 1893, and listing of prize winners and graduates.
Drawings of Woman's Medical College, Toronto General Hospital, and The Victoria Hospital for Sick Children.
Ads for The Johnston & Johnston Co., J.A. Carveth & Co., Daniel Rose Printer, Henry K. Wampole & Co., The Lyman Bros. & Co. and Williamson & Co.