Fonds consists of records of the activities of St. Paul's congregation in Canaan, Ontario. It includes vestry records, 1914-1966, service registers, 1912-1966, records of committees and organizations, financial records, property records, special services and events material, and newsclippings.
UntitledFonds consists of records of the activities of St. Mark's congregation in Cumberland, Ontario. It includes parish register, 1982-1987, vestry records, 1887-1988, service registers, 1910-1991, records of committees and organizations including parish council, financial records, property records, special services and events material, correspondence, historiography, newsclippings, lists of parishioners, and photographs. Includes the records for the former Parish of Cumberland-Orleans.
UntitledFonds consists of records of the activities of St. Christopher's congregation in Gloucester, Ontario. It includes parish registers, 1959-1996, vestry records, 1957-1996, service registers, 1957-1996, records of committees and organizations including parish council, financial records, property records, special services and events material, correspondence, historiography, guest books, service bulletins, newsclippings, lists of parishioners, newsletters, architectural drawings, and photographs.
UntitledFonds consists of records of the activities of St. George's congregation in Hawthorne, Ontario. It includes a parish register, 1976-1997, vestry records, 1895-1996, service registers, 1909-1997, records of committees and organizations including parish council, financial records, property records, special services and events material, correspondence, service bulletins, newsclippings, lists of parishioners, special collections, photographs, and an architectural drawing.
UntitledFonds consists of records of the activities of St. Mary the Virgin congregation in Gloucester, Ontario. It includes a parish register, 1974-1995, vestry records, 1878-1993, service registers, 1893-1995, records of committees and organizations, financial records, property records, special services and events material, correspondence, historiography, service bulletins, newsclippings, lists of parishioners, newsletters other information materials, architectural drawings, photographs, and two photograph albums.
UntitledFonds consists of records of the activities of St. Mary's congregation in Navan, Ontario. It includes vestry records, 1948-1992, service registers, 1912-1994, records of committees and organizations including parish council, financial records, property records, special services and events material, correspondence, historiography, service bulletins, newsclippings, lists of parishioners, newsletters, and photographs. Includes records for the former Parish of Navan.
UntitledFonds consists of records of the activities of St. David's congregation in Orleans, Ontario. It includes vestry records, 1977-1988, service registers, 1977-1993, records of committees and organizations including parish council, financial records, property records, special services and events material, guest books, service bulletins, newsclippings, lists of parishioners, newsletters, and other information materials. Includes some records for St. Helen's, Orleans.
UntitledFonds consists of records of the activities of St. Helen's congregation in Orleans, Ontario. It includes vestry records, 1989-1997, records of committees and organizations including parish council, financial records, property records, special services and events material, correspondence, historiography, service bulletins, lists of parishioners, newsletters, other information materials, and architectural drawings.
UntitledFonds consists of records of the activities of Church of the Epiphany congregation in Ottawa, Ontario. It includes vestry records, 2000, records of committees and organizations, property records, special services and events material, correspondence, and newsletters.
UntitledFonds consists of records of the activities of St. Aidan's congregation in Ottawa, Ontario. It includes parish registers, 1959-1980, vestry records, 1978-1984, a service register, 1958-1976, records of committees and organizations, financial records, property records, special services and events material, correspondence, historiography, guest books, service bulletins, newsclippings, newsletters, and photographs.
UntitledFonds consists of records of the activities of St. Columba's congregation in Ottawa, Ontario. It includes parish registers, 1952-1987, vestry records, 1950-1997, service registers, 1950-1989, records of committees and organizations, financial records, property records, special services and events material, correspondence, historiography, service bulletins, newsclippings, other information materials, architectural drawings, and photographs.
UntitledFonds consists of records of the activities of St. Hilda's congregation in Queenswood, Ontario. It includes a parish register, 1984-1989, vestry records, 1986, records of committees and organizations, financial records, special services and events material, corresponcence, historiography, service bulletins, lists of parishioners, newsletters, and other information materials.
UntitledFonds consists of records of the activities of St. Paul's congregation in Overbrook, Ontario. It includes parish registers, 1961-1996, vestry records, 1940-1996, service registers, 1961-1996, records of committees and organizations including parish council, financial records, property records, special services and events material, correspondence, historiography, guest books, service bulletins, newsclippings, lists of parishioners, newsletters, special collections, and photographs.
UntitledFonds consists of records of the activities of St. Margaret's congregation in Vanier, Ontario. It includes parish registers, 1897-1972, vestry records, 1897-1984, service registers, 1904-1985, records of committees and organizations including parish council, financial records, property records, special services and events material, correspondence, historiography, guest books, service bulletins, newsclippings, newsletters, special collections, and photographs.
UntitledFonds consists of records of the activities of St. Mary's congregation in Russell, Ontario. It includes parish registers, 1876-1973, vestry records, 1955-1991, service registers, 1900-1996, records of committees and organizations including congregational council, financial records, property records, special services and events material, correspondence, historiography, service bulletins, newsclippings, a list of parishioners, newsletters, other information materials, architectural drawings, photographs, and a plate.
UntitledFonds consists of records of the activities of St. Andrew's congregation in Vars, Ontario. It includes vestry records, 1912-1980, service registers, 1912-1969, financial records, property records, special services and events material, correspondence, historiography, newsclippings, and photographs.
UntitledFonds consists of records of the activities of St. Barnabas Apostle and Martyr congregation in Ottawa, Ontario. It includes parish registers, 1887-1991, vestry records, 1890-2002, service registers, 1908-1952, records of committees and organizations including parish council, financial records, property records, special services and events material, correspondence, historiography, service bulletins, newsclippings, lists of parishioners, newsletters, special collections, a scrapbook, photographs, architectural drawings, and negatives.
UntitledFonds consists of records of the activities of St. Luke's congregation in Ottawa, Ontario. It includes parish registers, 1865-1979, vestry records, 1882-1981, service registers, 1938-1981, records of committees and organizations including parish council, financial records, property records, special services and events material, correspondence, historiography, a guest book, service bulletins, newsclippings, lists of parishioners, authorizations and declarations, newsletters, special collections, scrapbooks, architectural drawings, and photographs.
UntitledFonds consists of records of the activities of All Saints' congregation at Westboro in Ottawa, Ontario. It includes parish registers, 1865-1987, vestry records, 1936-1965, service registers, 1909-1969, records of committees and organizations including parish council, financial records, property records, special services and events material, correspondence, historiography, guest books, service bulletins, newsclippings, lists of parishioners, newsletters, special collections, scrapbooks, architectural drawings, and photographs.
UntitledFonds consists of records of the activities of St. Martin's congregation in Ottawa, Ontario. It includes parish registers, 1924-1975, vestry records, 1928-1994, service registers, 1924-1984, records of committees and organizations including parish council, financial records, property records, special services and events material, correspondence, historiography, guest books, service bulletins, newsclippings, lists of parishioners, photographs, and architectural drawings.