File consists of a copy of Osgoode Hall Law School spring 1964 examination questions for a second-year mortgages class taught by Howland. Also part of this file is are three parts of a completed final examination paper for the 1967 second-year course in mortgages, dated 10 May 1967.
Item is a 12-page paper written by Howland, likely while a participant in the 10th Canadian War Staff Course at the Royal Military College. The paper evaluates the participation of the Canadian Army in the war in the Pacific during the Second World War and proposes a strategy for future action. Included with the paper are comments from the graders.
Item is a report pertaining to a September 1989 visit to the Supreme Court of the Soviet Union by Chief Justice Brian Dickson and Madame Justice Bertha Wilson.
Item is a collection of legal documents questioning the application of section 26 of the Planning Act. These documents are statements of points of law, appendices, arguments, questions, and Howland's handwritten notes.
File consists of a variety of records pertaining to the move of Osgoode Hall Law School to York University. These records include copies of a memorandum of agreement between the Law Society and York University, draft press releases from the Treasurer of the Law Society on this affiliation, minutes of the York Law Faculty Council, memoranda from Osgoode dean W. Allan Leal, a 28 Oct. 1966 report from the Special Committee on Osgoode Hall Law School Affiliation with York University, a proposal for the establishment of a law centre by the faculty of Osgoode Hall Law School, a memorandum of discussions held on 20 May 1965 between representatives of the Law Society (including Howland) and York University, a 14 Oct. 1965 memorandum from John D. Arnup to Howland regarding the move, and a 22 Nov. 1965 draft letter by Murray G. Ross to the Osgoode faculty,
File consists of records pertaining to Howland's participation on the Toronto Symphony Endowment Fund Committee. These records are correspondence, memoranda, and newsletters.
File consists of records pertaining to Howland's participation on the Toronto Symphony Endowment Fund Committee. These records are an agenda, financial statements, correspondence, charitable foundation donor list, and meeting minutes.
File consists of records pertaining to Howland's participation on the Toronto Symphony Endowment Fund Committee. These records are a copy of the letters patent incorporating the Toronto Symphony Foundation, meeting minutes of the executive committee of the board of directors of the Toronto Symphony, and correspondence.
File consists of records accumulated by Howland while he was a director of the Toronto Symphony and chairman of its Endowment Fund Committee. File includes correspondence, financial statements, memoranda, reports and two photographs of the Board of Directors [197-].
File consists of records pertaining to the Toronto Club, including a 1989 financial statement, a letter, and a short history of the of the Club.
File consists of a variety of records pertaining to Howland's personal and legal activities. Included is a petition regarding his marks while an Osgoode Hall Law Schools student in 1937, the results of his middle school examinations in 1930-31, sword movement instructions from his infrantry training, a song commemorating his 65th birthday and a poem written on his retirement in 1990, a 1939 issue of the Bulletin of University of Toronto Law Club with a mention of his call to the Bar, a June 1951 Ottawa Journal clipping featuring a photograph of Howland with the other members of the Executive of the United Nations Association, a copy of the Canadian Bar Review Almanac for 1940, a programme and invitation for the 1955 Commonwealth and Empire Law Conference, Howland's speaking notes for his role as chair of a 6 November 1991 talk entitled "Canada - fact, fantasy or fiasco", and an assortment of newspaper clippings from 1991 pertaining in part to the topic of Quebec separatism.
File consists of programmes, invitations, correspondence, photographs, newspaper and magazine clippings. Included is a letter sent to Howland, in his capacity as chairman of the National Executive of the United Nations Association, by Prime Minister John Diefenbaker, a commemorative programme about the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II, programmes for the the United Nations Association's World Youth Forum held in Toronto in 1952 and 1953, and an invitation to a special convocation honouring John D. Falconbridge,
File consists of copies of Howland's outgoing correspondence pertaining to a variety of subjects, as well as a pledge manual for Phi Delta Phi, practice certificates, and company shareholder reports and notices.
File consists of records pertaining to the 43rd annual anniversary and awards banquet of the Canadian Council of Christians and Jews (CCJ) held on 13 November 1990, where Howland received the CCJ Human Relations Award. These records are a programme, correspondence and newspaper clippings.
File consists of a guest book, signed between 1939 and 1942, from Howland's cottage and two photographs of Howland.
Subseries consists of correspondence from professional genealogists and others interested in the Howland family. The subseries also includes clippings and a Hogarth family tree diagram.
Series consists primarily of typed transcripts of speeches made by Howland in his capacity as Chief Justice. There are, however, several transcripts of speeches made on personal and private occasions. Several speeches contain hand-written annotations by Howland, and/or contain sections in french. Volumes III and IV contain typescripts of speeches made by Howland on the occasion of the opening of the courts, as well as swearing-in ceremonies. The speeches were originally kept chronologically in binders entitled "Speeches". There were five volumes in all. Each volume was divided by subject, and contained an index.
File consists of the texts of speeches given by Howland at dinners honouring Supreme Court judges, Chief Justices, Italian judges, Abraham Lieff, Wishart Spence, Jacques Flynn, Lord Elwyn-Jones, Bertha Wilson, Mark MacGuigan, and Lawrence Pennell.
File consists of the texts of speeches given by Howland at mostly law-related dinners held between 1983 and 1986.