Series consists of four scrapbooks created and maintained by Cyril F.H. Carson and consisting of newspaper and magazine clippings pertaining to his friends and family, other lawyers, the Law Society, and his legal cases and career.
Series consists of four docket ledgers pertaining to the legal cases undertaken by Cyril F.H. Carson and his law firm.
Series consists primarily of typed transcripts of speeches made by Howland in his capacity as Chief Justice. There are, however, several transcripts of speeches made on personal and private occasions. Several speeches contain hand-written annotations by Howland, and/or contain sections in french. Volumes III and IV contain typescripts of speeches made by Howland on the occasion of the opening of the courts, as well as swearing-in ceremonies. The speeches were originally kept chronologically in binders entitled "Speeches". There were five volumes in all. Each volume was divided by subject, and contained an index.
Series consists of photographs documenting the career, life and family of William G.C. Howland. The majority of the photographs document the later part of Howland's legal career, from approximately 1970 to the 1990s.
Series consists of newspaper clippings collected by Howland. The majority of the clippings document various issues and decisions which involved Howland as Chief Justice of Ontario. The clippings also document his period as a law student, his term as Treasurer of The Law Society of Upper Canada, various awards and honours, and his family history.
Series consists of legal documents accumulated by Cyril F.H. Carson. The case material in the series pertains to defense cases undertaken by Tilley, Carson and Findlay and to cases used by Carson as research or as reference sources. Records in this series include correspondence, legal briefs, appeals, and judgments.
Series consists of legal documents originally maintained by Francis Brown Denton (d. 1920), the father of Frank Denton. The documents would have been transferred to Frank Denton when he took over his father's law practice. Many of the documents relate to Lieutenant Colonel Robert Mutter of the Royal Canadian Rifles, who married a daughter of the Hon. John Hillyard Cameron.
Series consists of a variety of records pertaining to the firm and its partners, accumulated by members of the firm and including photographs, programmes, newsletters, correspondence, tickets, certificates, newspaper clippings, business cards, notes, memoranda, letters patent, letterhead, share certificates, pamphlets, invitation, envelopes, and a sketch.
Series consists of a photograph maintained by John Black Aird.
Series consists of plaques and a commemorative medal awarded to Claude Thomson pertaining to his professional work as a lawyer and in international arbitration as well as his work for organizations including the American College of Trial Lawyers and the Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants.
Series consists of a photograph of George Finlayson with former Treasurers of the Law Society, taken during Gavin MacKenzie's term as Treasurer.
Series primarily consists of speeches given by George Finlayson, as well as some of his other writing, pertaining to a variety of legal topics. Also included are transcripts of Finlayson's 1988 and 1990 interviews with the Osgoode Society.
Series consists of agreements for extensions of time for payment of mortgages pertaining to properties in the City of Toronto. These agreements detail new terms and dates for repayment of those mortages.
Series consists of Crown land grants issued in the Province of Ontario and the Province of Upper Canada. These records include the names, dates, locations and prices of such grants of land, issued by the provincial registrar. Properties detailed in this series are located in Normanby, County of Grey, Esquesing, County of York, and the County of Wellington.
Series consists of notes of evidence created, accumulated and used by lawyers or law firms in practice in the Province of Ontario.
Series consists of portrait photographs of George Gale and photographs of Gale and others at social events, including a ceremony commemorating Gale's retirement from the bench and the Queen Elizabeth II's visit to Osgoode Hall.
Series consists of records pertaining to the financial activities of the Foundation of the Bar of Ontario. These records primarily document the collection and management of membership fees for the foundation in 1957. The records in this series are bank account statements and a cash book.
Series consists of records pertaining to membership in the Foundation of the Bar of Ontario. These records document contact information about 1957 members and their financial contribution to the foundation, as well as, to a lesser degree, the work of Samuel Weir to develop the structure and purpose of the foundation. The records in this series include correspondence, membership forms, lists, receipts, and cheques.
Series consists of a variety of administrative records created and accumulated by partners and staff members of the firm. These records are divided into three sub-series: administrative files, committee files, legal opinions and partnership agreements.
Series consists of records created and accumulated by a variety of people associated with the firm, pertaining to its history and firm partners, as well as genealogical material about the Fasken family in particular. The series has been divided into two sub-series: biographical subject files and Fasken family histories.