The fonds consists of 12 letters written by Alexander McPherson to members of his family, including his mother and his brother-in-law. The majority of the letters were written while he held the position of Manager at Plantation Nos. 17 & 18 in Berbice, British Guiana and the remainder represent the period following when he settled at Whitby.
Sans titreCollection consists of memorabilia and material pertaining primarily to the activities of the Whitby Dunlops during the team's active years from 1957 to 1959. There is also material which relates to anniversaries and other events in the years following the team's dissolution in 1960. Collection is comprised of 8 series including: Programs, Publications, Ephemera and artifacts, Team information, Events, Diary of Kay Irwin, Postcards and photographs, and Video.
Sans titreFonds consists of three series: administrative records, publications, and correspondence. Correspondence contains the incoming and outgoing letters of Alan Dewar, secretary of the Camp X Military Museums Board of Directors. Letters discuss the purpose of the organization, fundraising, and future plans. The majority of letters focus on inviting important people to a dinner held in January 1978 to introduce the plans for the Museum to potential donors and members of the government. Administrative records consist of meeting agendas, minutes, by-laws, and letters of incorporation. Publications includes two published newsletters of the Camp X Military Museums Society.
Sans titreRecords of the Canadan Suomalainen Järjestö [Finnish Organization of Canada], Vapaus Publishing Company (responsible for publishing Vapaus and Liekki and other publications), Suomalais-Canadalaisen Amatoori Urheiluliiton [Finnish-Canadian Amateur Sports Federation], co-operatives, and more.
Includes meeting minutes, reports, financial statements, and correspondence related to the operations and administration of these organizations. Also includes a variety of document and pamphlets related to socialism, communism, and the peace movement in Canada and worldwide.
The Canadan Suomalainen Järjestö (CSJ; Finnish Organization of Canada) is the oldest nationwide Finnish cultural organization in Canada. For over a century the CSJ has been one of the main organizations for Finnish immigrants in Canada with left-wing sympathies and, in particular, those with close ties to the Communist Party of Canada. Through the early to mid 1920s, Finnish-Canadians furnished over half the membership of the Communist Party and some, like A.T. Hill (born Armas Topias Mäkinen), became leading figures in the Party. Beyond support for leftist political causes, the cooperative and labour union movements, many local CSJ branches in both rural and urban centres established halls – some 70 of which were built over the years in communities across Canada – that hosted a range of social and cultural activities including dances, theatre, athletics, music, and lectures. The CSJ is also known for its publishing activities, notably the Vapaus (Liberty) newspaper.
The CSJ underwent several changes in its formative years related to both national and international developments. Founded in October 1911 as the Canadan Suomalainen Sosialisti Järjestö (CSSJ; Finnish Socialist Organization of Canada), the organization served as the Finnish-language affiliate of the Canadian Socialist Federation which soon after transformed into the Social Democratic Party of Canada (SDP). By 1914, the CSSJ had grown to 64 local branches and boasted a majority of the SDP membership with over 3,000 members. One year later the organization added two more local branches but membership had dropped to 1,867 members thanks, in part, to a more restrictive atmosphere due to Canada’s involvement in the First World War and an organizational split that saw the expulsion or resignation of supporters of the Industrial Workers of the World from the CSSJ.
In September 1918, the Canadian federal government passed Order-in-Council PC 2381 and PC 2384 which listed Finnish, along with Russian and Ukrainian, as ”enemy languages” and outlawed the CSSJ along with thirteen other organizations. The CSSJ successfully appealed the ban in December 1918 but dropped ”Socialist” from its name. The organization operated under the name Canadan Suomalainen Järjestö until December 1919. The SDP, however, did not recover from the outlawing of its foreign-language sections, leaving the CSJ without a political home. Stepping into this organizational vacuum was the One Big Union of Canada (OBU), founded in June 1919. The CSJ briefly threw its support behind this new labour union initiative, functioning as an independent ”propaganda organization of the OBU” until internal debates surrounding the structure of the Lumber Workers Industrial Union affiliate and the OBU decision not to join to the Moscow-headquartered Comintern led to its withdrawal shortly thereafter. In 1924, CSSJ activists including A.T. Hill helped to found the Lumber Workers Industrial Union of Canada (LWIUC).
Inspired by the Bolshevik Revolution that toppled the Tsarist Russian Empire in November 1917, and following the founding of the Communist Party of Canada (CPC) as an underground organization in May 1921, the CSSJ rapidly became an integral part of the nascent Communist movement in Canada. Reflecting this change, in 1922 the organization was renamed the Canadan Työläispuolueen Suomalainen Sosialistilärjestö (FS/WPC; Finnish Socialist Section of the Workers’ Party of Canada) – the Workers’ Party of Canada being the legal front organization of the CPC. In 1923, Finnish-Canadian Communists formed a separate cultural organization, the Canadan Suomalainen Järjestö (CSJ; Finnish Organization of Canada Inc.), to serve as a kind of ”holding company” ensuring that the organization’s considerable properties and assets would be safe from confiscation by the government or capture from rival left-wing groups. With the legalization of the CPC in 1924, the FS/WPC became the Canadan Kommunistipuolueen Suomalainen Järjestö (FS/CP; Finnish section of the Communist Party of Canada). Between 1922 and 1925, membership in the CSJ through its various transitions also doubled as membership in the Communist Party. This arrangement ended in 1925 when the FS/CP was disbanded following the ”bolshevization” directives of the Comintern. These directives demanded that separate ethnic organizations in North America be dissolved in favour of more disciplined and centralized party cells. It was hoped that this reorganization would help attract new members outside of the various Finnish, Ukrainian, and Jewish ethnic enclaves that had furnished the bulk of the CPC dues paying membership in Canada. From this point onwards, the CSJ officially functioned as a cultural organization but maintained a close, albeit sometimes strained, association with the CPC. The 1930s represent the peak of the CSJ size and influence, occuring during the Third Period and Popular Front eras of the international Communist movement. During this period CSJ union organizers assisted in the creation of the Lumber and Sawmill Workers Union – a unit of the United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of the American Federation of Labor, successor to the LWIUC – and the reemergence of the International Union of Mine, Mill and Smelter Workers in Sudbury and Kirkland Lake. CSJ activists also helped to recruit volunteers for the International Brigades that fought against nationalist and fascist forces in the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). Finally, in the 1930s some 3,000 CSJ members or sympathizers embarked on the journey from Canada to the Soviet Union to help in the efforts to industrialize the Karelian Autonomous Soviet. Hundreds of Finns in Karelia would later perish in Stalin’s purges.
Despite the CSJ’s active support for the Canadian war effort, the organization was still deemed to be a threat to national security by the federal government and again outlawed in 1940. All FOC properties were seized and closed. The Suomalais Canadalaisten Demokraattien Liitto (SCDL; Finnish-Canadian Democratic League) served as the FOC’s main legal surrogate until the organization was legalized in 1943. The rapid decline of the FOC following this period is apparent from the fact that of the 75 locals in operation in 1936, only 36 remained active in 1950.
Further reading:
Edward W. Laine (edited by Auvo Kostianen), A Century of Strife: The Finnish Organization of Canada, 1901-2001 (Turku: Migration Institute of Finland), 2016.
Arja Pilli, The Finnish-Language Press in Canada, 1901-1939: A Study of Ethnic Journalism (Turku: Institute of Migration), 1982.
William Eklund, Builders of Canada: History of the Finnish Organization of Canada, 1911-1971 (Toronto: Finnish Organization of Canada), 1987.
Set of 7 collectable tea cards from G. E. Barbour Company Limited depicting Jean-Charles Chapais (x2), James Cockburn, Sir William Howland, Sir Oliver Mowat, Sir Adams George Archibald (x2). Biographical information about each individual in English and French on back of card.
Northern Woman Journal began as a newsletter covering feminist issues for readers in Northwestern Ontario, and developed into a journal featuring political stories at the location, provincial, national, and international level, fiction and artwork, personal stories, letters and opinions, and information on local events.
The Journal's creation was closely linked to the community of feminists including Margaret Phillips and the management of the Northern Woman Bookstore.
The records include:
A complete run of the Journal from 1973 to 1995
Administrative records, including meeting minutes, correspondence, and accounting
Editorial records, including graphics and submitted pieces
Other related publications
A series of ten letters sent from William D. Trott to his son, William H. Trott, between November 11th, 1906 and April 1st, 1917. In the letters William D. writes to his son about photography, family, and advice about various topics.
Sans titreFile contains a series of receipts from the Port Hope and Hope Township area:
1) Basil Bell Farm Equipment, 1950s and 1960s-Garden Hill
2) Howe's Garage, Garden Hill, 1961
3) Baulch, 1961- Air Cooled Motors, McCullough Chain Saws- Lakeshore Road, Port Hope
4) R.S. Brown Groceries, 1930s- Ontario Street, Port Hope
5) Hancock's Hardware, 1957- 10 Ontario Street, Port Hope
6) Randall's Book Store, 1954
Whiskey Ledger belonging to Nathaniel Haskill who owned property and lived at Lot 16, Broken Front and Lot 165, Concession 1, Hope Township (now the Municipality of Port Hope). The earliest date of entry is 1801 with most dates primarily from 1807- 1813. - the inside pages are hand written with the purchaser's name, a description and amount of whiskey purchased and the means of payment. Often based on a barter system with payment made in the form of bushels of wheat, cows, barrels of flour etc. Some customers paid in cash. - comprised of 145 pages which are written upon with the remaining pages blank. The first 33 pages include more than one customer, where later pages, 34 - 145 are devoted to a single customer. Each customer has two pages together, side by side. In handwriting at the top is the name of the customer. First name on the left page and surname on the right side page. Left page also lists the date, amount of whiskey obtained and the cost in pounds and shillings. The left page indicates the means of payment.
Item is a scrapbook collection of newspaper articles and photographs representing life in Port Hope from 1972-1978.
Records include the minutes from the board meetings, promotional and advertising series, Beef Herd Improvement Records and Cow/Calf Club records. The records cover a small period of the organization. Minutes include financial records, correspondence and reports from various committees and agricultural organizations.
This fonds consists of the records of the Western University Board of Governors including minutes and indexes, committee minutes, correspondence, and other material.
Sans titreFonds consists of diaries written by Edwin Walker Vivian. Edwin writes about the weather, his daily chores and his activities including the literary club and skating. The fonds also contains school examination certificates and family photographs.
Cette collection regroupe les copies du Northern Times publiées en 1976, ainsi qu’une série presque complète du journal Northern Times, pour la période allant de 1983 à 2018.
Sans titreCette collection regroupe les copies du journal Timmins Porcupine News publiées entre le 4 novembre 1974 et le 28 juin 1978.
Sans titreLa collection contient surtout des éditions spéciales publiées par le Daily Press, lors d’évènements spéciaux, notamment les 60e (1972) et 75e (1987) anniversaires de la ville de Timmins. S’y ajoutent les collections Hardrock & Heartwood (1999) publiées pour souligner l’arrivée de l’an 2000 et Milestones (2012) pour célébrer le centième anniversaire de la ville de Timmins.
Sans titreLa collection contient un numéro de 1963 de la revue Aurore publiée par les étudiantes de l’Académie Saint-Joseph. S’y ajoute un document photographique autographié par Mgr Louis Levesque, le 22 octobre 1959.
Sans titreCollection predominantly consists of pamphlets, programs and records created and accumulated by Burlington International Games, Burlington Ontario and Burlington, Vermont.
Sans titreFonds documents Craig Campbell’s interest and involvement in the conservation of Canada’s natural heritage. Textual records consist of correspondence related to his research and conservation efforts; correspondence related to his work for CARCS; correspondence with conservation agencies, academics and scientists from various institutions across North America; published and unpublished manuscripts written by Campbell, research materials, field notes, reports, newspaper clippings and photocopies of publications with annotations. Graphic records include photographs, slides, x-rays, and drawings of amphibians, reptiles and observation sites. Cartographic records include diagrams and maps. The fonds is arranged in 5 series as follows: Timber Rattlesnake Records, Hybrid Salamander Records, Salamander Habitat and Breeding Records, Turtle Records, and Natural Heritage Conservation Records.
Sans titreThis fonds contains records charting the institutional life and physical premises of St. Mary’s Anglican Church in the Town of Walkerville / Walkerville neighbourhood of Windsor. Series I – Paper Files is not formally arranged into sub-series, but significant record-creating groups or genres of material are grouped together in the file order. These include: church wardens, board of management/vestry, financial records, various church committees, women’s groups, men’s groups, youth groups, orders of service (bulletins), special events, church visitors and staff, as well as the building, its contents, its churchyard and cemetery (including sketches and architectural plans). Of note are a small number of records relating to the church’s relationship to the family of Walkerville founder Hiram Walker, and rich records of social and service groups for men, women, children, and youth. Series II – Photographs was originally arranged separately from the paper files. Its previous arrangement and description has been retained here; the images capture elements of the congregational activities and physical premises documented in the paper files.
The fonds does not contain parish records of births, deaths, marriages, or baptisms.
Sans titre