Subseries contains annual, executive, sub-executive, and staff meeting minutes and associated documents 1967-1999.
UntitledSubseries contains executive reports issued in the early years of the division 1968-1990.
UntitledSubseries contains general correspondence of the executive and correspondence concerning meetings, departmental work and ecumenical relationships 1968-1983.
UntitledSubseries contains historical financial documents, budgets and Finance Planning Committee minutes 1968-1998.
UntitledSeries contains office files concerning: Computers, Software and Websites; Division Events; Historical Documents; Inter-church Correspondence; Manuals, Policies and Guides; Objectives and Organizational Structure; Personnel and Job Descriptions; and Records Management and Archives 1967-2001.
UntitledSeries contains the files of the General Secretaries of the Division 1968-2008.
UntitledIn addition to the Division Executive there was a Division Management Team that was a staff group comprised of the General Secretary, Directors of the five Division departments and managers from those departments. There were twelve people involved, six men and six women. The term "team" was unique to the Division as the other Divisions had fewer staff and departments.
Subseries contains minutes, correspondence and other related records created by the Division Management Team 1991-1998.
UntitledThe purpose of the Communications Group was to galvanize people with communications responsibilities from units within the General Council Office, in order to implement a strategic communications program for the GCO. The goal was to create a simple, consistent, collaborative, efficient, and effective program. The General Council Secretary assigned the responsibility to develop and manage the communication to the Executive Minister of the Communications. The Communications Group focused on corporate communication tools that were produced to inform while the Publishing Group focused on resources produced to animate a program (See Series 2).
Subseries contains minutes and correspondence of the Communications Group 2008-2012.
UntitledThe National Advisory Committee (NAC) was a group made up of appointed and elected volunteers to oversee publishing projects. They were not involved with the implementation work, rather they were responsible for guiding and supporting those responsible for creating resources. The chair people of each of the Regional Advisory Committees sat on the UCPH National Advisory Committee (See Series 3 Subseries 5 for Regional Advisory Committee Records). The NAC also saw members elected due to their skill and experience in retail sales, marketing, finance and publishing.
Subseries contains minutes, reports, correspondence and accompanying documents of the UCPH National Advisory Committee 1983-1997.
UntitledThe Publishing Group was formed to focus on resources produced to animate a program. Specifically the Executive looked over book proposals and approved them, and then managed and oversaw the subsequent work.
Subseries contains minutes, correspondence, proposals and accompanying documents of the Publishing Group 1996-2010.
UntitledWith financial restructuring in the early 1990s, the United Church Publishing House was sectioned into two departments: the Department of Publishing and the Department of Retail and Distribution. The Publishing Department was further divided between two categories which mirrored the new financial divisions: mission and service. The mission area was considered to be venture publishing while service publishing referred to the production of resources for GC Divisions
Subseries contains publishing project files which include planning documents, copyright and agreement contracts, documents re printing and correspondence 1986-2001. Subseries is arranged by area of work mission and service as well as general publishing projects which cannot be places under ether work area.
UntitledResources Centres were hubs for the distribution of United Church produced material. The Resource Distribution Department and UCRD worked with Presbytery and Conference resource centres and outlets across Canada to deliver a comprehensive range of United Church and other recommended resources, bringing information, advice and resource access to church members. Under the umbrella of Resources Centres were Book Rooms: retail outlets overseen by the Conferences and Presbyteries. AVEL outlets were also under this umbrella offering free AV resources to Conferences. At some point some AVEL Outlets began to sell resources in order to counteract a lack of funding.
Subseries contains records relating to the various types of Resource Centres which included administrative groups like the Retail Distribution Branch Managers, the Resource Centre Administrative Task Group, the Book Room Branch Managers, and the Retail Operations Management Team. Files and subsequent arrangement reflect the type of resources centres including Presbytery Resource Centres, Book Rooms and AVEL outlets
UntitledBefore the creation of the Resource Coordinators work area, there were no resource coordinating functions within Communications or across the Church House. The Division of Communication and the Division of Mission in Canada had editors. These divisions were the largest resource producers. They worked on specific tasks and resources, like magazines and books, and did not share work or coordinate work. All the divisions used the services of Communications in terms of graphic design, and video and website design. The divisions (other than DMC and the Division of Communication) may have hired writers or possibly editors, but in general the material was not edited. And staff people in all the units (many of whom did not have communication backgrounds) had to decide first what kind of medium they wanted to produce (video, print, web) and then go to the appropriate staff person in Communications. In 2002, the work area of Resource Coordination was created. Resource Coordinating staff were liaisons with the General Council Units to provide professional advice about producing resources and to shepherd resources through the production process, which included editing, graphic design and web posting. Often the resource coordinator edited the resources (for print or Web) from their assigned units, or if they couldn't, ensured that they were edited by another resource coordinator or a freelancer.
Series contains three subseries: 1) Records of the Resource Planning Group and Print Resources Steering Group, 1990-1996, 2) Records of the Senior Editors, 1996-2012, 3) Records of the Resources Coordinators, 2003-2010.
UntitledBefore the creation of Resource Coordinators there were interdivisional groups which helped to streamline the creation of resources across divisions. The Resource Planning Group was used to increase communications across the Divisions and Units that were producing resources, because these tended to function as silos. Sometimes resources were duplicated across Units or other times it was known one Unit was producing something, but other Units could not provide valuable input. The aim was to increase communication, avoid duplication, and produce better resources. The Resource Planning Group was interdivisional of GC staff that produced resources and some Conference staff whose role was to provide feedback and input on resources. Similarly the Print Resources Steering Group held the same function but was specific to print material.
Subseries contains minutes, correspondence and planning documents of the Resource Planning Group and the Print Resources Steering Group 1900-1996.
UntitledThe role of Senior Editor was created in 2002 as part of Resource Coordination. Rebekah Chevalier held the position from 2002 until 2015. The Senior Editor was the manager of the resource coordinators. They were responsible for overseeing the processes involved in resource coordination, namely, editing, proofreading, and reviewing graphic layouts.
Subseries contains the records of Rebekah Chevalier pertaining to her work on coordinating mission resources via the Mission Theme Task Group 1996-2012.
UntitledThe Resource Coordinators where responsible for coordinating the production of GCO print and audio visual materials. The coordinator’s role involves advertising, liaising between resource production staff and staff from initiating units, tracking resources through stages of production, and liaising with marketing staff to help units create marketing strategies. The Resource Coordinators reported to the Senior Editor.
Subseries contains the files of Resource Coordinator Aaron Gallegos 2003-2010.
UntitledIn 1968, the position of Director of Press and Information was created. Norman K. Vale held this position from 1968-1971, though the position title changed to Director of News Services in 1971. From 1971-1984, Alayne Scanlon held the position and the title change from News Services to Director of News and Public Relations in 1981.
Subseries contains correspondence and accompanying documents collected by the Directors 1973-1982.
UntitledSubseries contains memos and correspondence relating to editorial work of the Division 1972-1981.
UntitledSubseries contains circulars, procedures, memos, briefs and subject files kept by the various offices responsible for publicity, education and information 1969-2012.
UntitledSubseries contains files concerning communication education work done by News Services staff and includes correspondence, meetings, workshops and seminars 1976-1979.