One annotated print of a black and white photograph of Matti Kantokoski standing with two logging horses.
Series consists of a ceramic depiction of a church inscribed with the word: Alajärvi (This is a depiction of the church in Alajärvi, Finland where Eeva Annikki Kantokoski was baptized in 1924.); an annotated pocket-sized "New Testament of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ Translated out of the Original Greek and with the Former Translations Diligently Compared and Revised by his Majesty's Special Command," published in London by Collins' Clear-Type Press in 1936 (This pocket-sized bible was a gift given to Ann Koski on the occasion of her confirmation by her Confirmation Teacher pastor [Mathew H. Lepisto], and is signed by him); and a book entitled: "Jane Withers Twentieth-Century Fox Film Star - Her Life Story," published in Racine, Wisconsin by Whitman Publishing Company, 1936 (The inside cover of the book is annotated and reads: Christmas 1936 to Anne Koski From Veikko Koski).
One annotated photograph of Oskaria Koivula.
Series consists of an annotated autograph book belonging to Ann (Ann Eva) Koski containing brief notes and signatures of her friends and classmates at the Sudbury Central School and a membership card issued to Mrs. Ann Chisholm in Sudbury for the Department of Volunteer Nursing Services in the Ontario Division of the Canadian Red Cross Society. Signatures in the autograph book include Alice Rochon, Verna L. Armstrong, Barbara Tait, Margaret Mac, Shirley Cumming, Laura Koski, Virkko Koski, Ruth Wilson, Edith Vickers, May [Anne Koski's cousin], Anne [Nidgley], Grace Campbell, M.M. Ward, L. J. Lawson, M.B. Thompson, [Helka Hill], Andrew [Grogale], B.K. [Lahtela], Melvin Koski, M.H.K. Koski, Ruth H., Harold, [Malartis], John Cameron, Lillian Smith, Suzanne Koetke, Mary Page, Dorothea Blacklock, Anne Koski, Matthew Wilson, Johne Camerone, Robert Duncan, Francis Pugliese, June Calford, Dorothy Lennox, Lydea [Breifc], Annie Manchur, Verna L. Armstrong, Bill Logue, M.S. Stubbs, James Watt, D.M. Auley, Dirby, Pearl Dickson, Lula Poulas, Selina Brady, Joan Gagnon, Evan Seward, Windna Rostooky, Annie Gogal, Mary Cuper, Jeanette Jackson, Ruska Pustirsky, Doreen Scott, Kay Valiborski Mayorie Young, C.H., Joan Nokes, June M. Wilhelm, P.J. Barbour, Alice M. Hall, Natalie Nellie Mathews, Margie MacDonald, and Hnetnek Chael.
One annotated print of a black and white photograph of Anna Kantokoski (fourth from left) and Matti Kantokoski (fifth from left) standing with a logging crew in front of a log cabin. Their children Veikko Vesa (left) and Eeva Annikki (right) are standing in front of them.
One annotated photograph of Taimi Koivula's daughters (from left to right) Norma Held, Carla Wood and Alice Moercher.
One annotated photograph of three women standing together. From left to right are: Alice Moray Moercher, Taimi Maki Moray, and Norma Moray Held. Other individuals are partially visible behind them.
One annotated print of a black and white photograph of Matti Kantokoski (centre) standing outside of the Prince Arthur Café with two other men and his daughter Eeva Annikki.
Series consists of a letter dated April 6, 1939, to Matti Kantokoski from E.D. Wilkins, Clerk of the Peace, with his Certificate of Naturalization (dated March 30, 1939) attached; and a certificate of greetings from the Imperial Order Daughters of the Empire (I.O.D.E.) to Matti Kantokoski on the occasion of him becoming a British subject and Canadian citizen by naturalization in Sudbury, Ontario.
Series consists of official extracts from parish registers of members of the Kantokoski/Koski family from the congregation of Alajärvi, in the diocese of Lapua, Finland and a certificate of confirmation from Sudbury, Ontario. The first church extract from the parish register confirms the dates of birth for Matti Niilo Kantokoski (March 23, 1901), his wife Anna Milja (Sept. 24,1903), and their daughter Eeva Annikki (May 8, 1924). The church record also notes the date Matti Kantokoski married his wife Anna (Nov. 24, 1923) and his date of death (May 15, 1956). The record is dated May 13, 1961 and signed by J. Laurila. The second church extract from the parish register confirms the date of birth for Eeva Annikki Kantokoski (May 8, 1924), the date she was baptized (May 19, 1924), the names of her parents (Matti Niilo Kantokoski & Anna Milja), the names of her godparents (Kustaa Kantokoski & Aino Kantokoski) and the name of the pastor who baptized her (J.H. Peltokallio). This record is dated June 13, 1973 and is signed by O.M. Tunturi. The Certificate of Confirmation was issued to Eeva Annikki Koski, indicating her confirmation at the Finnish Evangelical Lutheran Church in Sudbury, Ontario on July 23, 1939, signed by pastor [Mathew Lepisto].
One photograph of Lilja Koivula (far left) posing with her children and grandchildren on the steps of their camp at Lake Penage.
One annotated print copy of a photograph of the Maki and Kantokoski families. In the front row from left to right are: Oscar Maki, Julia Maki (holding baby Lilja Maki), Eeva Annikki Kantokoski, Anna Kantokoski, and Veikko Vesa Kantokoski. In the back row are Oiva Maki, Oscar Maki, and Matti Kantokoski.
One photograph of Lilja Koivula (left) and Taimi Koivula (right).
One annotated print copy of a black and white photograph of Matias (Matti) Niilo Kantokoski (Koski) with two of his sisters; Saima (Saimi) Susanna Pellikka (left), who settled in Sudbury, Ontario and Lempi Maria Buerala (centre).
Series consists of two handwritten reference letters; one for Anna Koivula (Kantokoski/Koski) and one for her daughter Ann Chisholm (Ann Eva Kantokoski/Koski). The reference letter for Anna Koivula (born 1903) was written by Lydia Lofman, a pharmacist's wife, in Lapua Finland, dated May 1, 1921, regarding work in a kitchen, while the reference letter for Ann Chisholm (nee Koski, born 1924) was written by Mrs. J. Ferrier from Sudbury, Ontario, dated June 14, 1942 concerning her job doing housework.
One annotated photograph of Aino Koivula Kantokoski (left) and Hilma Koivula Roiha (right) standing in front of a building.
Series consists of notes complied by Leslie Hardy of the Kantokoski (Koski), Koivula Families, and notes created by Nancy Korpela for the Korpela Family in a paper and electronic format. These notes include detailed descriptions of each record they donated to the archives and background histories of the families. These notes were created at the time of donation to aid with descriptions.
Series consists of three newspaper clippings from the Sudbury Star. Clippings include "Winning School Receives Its Shield" (In this article, Veikko Koski was part of the winning team for the best schoolboy patrol for the 1939-1940 season. The newspaper clipping has been pasted onto a piece of paper); "Hunchbacks Terrify Reds" (concerning Finnish ski troops in World War II. The newspaper clipping has been pasted onto a piece of paper); and "Will Be Sent to Finland."(Images of a man and a woman, and another image of a man are only partially visible, because the newspaper clipping has been cut. The newspaper clipping has been pasted onto a piece of paper).
One annotated print copy of a black and white photograph of Matias (Matti) Niilo Kantokoski (Koski) with his second wife Laura Siltanen whom he married on September 25, 1938 in Copper Cliff, Ontario.
One annotated print copy of a black and white photograph of Matias (Matti) Niilo Kantokoski (Koski) with his wife Anna Milia (nee Koivula) and their daughter Eeva Annikki and son Veikko Vesa.