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Forme autorisée du nom
Allen, James, 1843-1918
forme(s) parallèle(s) du nom
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Description area
Dates d’existence
James Allen, (1843-1918), was a Methodist minister in Ontario. He was born in Ireland in 1843 and came to Canada when he was three years old. He entered the ministry in 1869. He graduated from Victoria University in 1875, taking his M.A. degree in 1880. Most of his pastorates were in Ontario where he filled both rural and city charges. In 1902 he was made president of the Toronto Conference and Superintendent of Missions, spending four years in helping to establish Methodism in New Ontario, or Nippissing. In 1906 he was elected General Secretary of Home Missions and held the office until his death.
Statut légal
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Mots-clés - Lieux
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