The 25 Year Club was a social club for employees of the United Church of Canada with twenty-five years of service. It was created circa 1959 by Nellie Swarbrick and Mabel Cranston of the Board of Foreign Missions, and Lillian Wright of the Missionary and Maintenance Department.
736 Outreach Corporation was established in 2011. It was an incorporated ministry of the Toronto Conference. The main function of the incorporated ministry was to manage and distribute the funds received from the sale of the Bathurst Street United Church building, formerly the building that was operated and used by the Bathurst Street Centre for Peace and Justice. The Corporation ran a grant program, where finances were distributed in a single payment or in a multi-year programs. The grants were distributed to assist community programs and charitable organizations that fit the mandate of the corporation. Bathurst Street Centre for Justice and Peace was an incorporated ministry of the Toronto South Presbytery. Its purpose was to “continue the development of a climate of partnership in which not-for-profit groups, committed to and acting for social justice and peace, can find solidarity with each other, support from the church and freedom to pursue their own approaches in all their diversity”. During the Toronto Conference presbytery reorganization in 2008 the Centre’s relationship with the Toronto South Presbytery ended and it became an incorporated ministry of Toronto Conference.
George Abbs (1822-1904) was a Methodist minister and editor and book agent of the Canada Christian Advocate. He was born in Arlington, England. In 1851 he married Susan Inglehart of Palermo, Ontario. He was ordained in the Methodist Episcopal Church in 1851 and served in the Toronto, London and Niagara Districts. He was at Nelson in 1863. From 1864 to 1870 be served in The Barton and Hamilton Circuits and was the Editor and Book Agent of the Canada Christian Advocate.
George Kenneth Baker Adams, (d. 1932), was a Methodist minister in Western Canada and Ontario. George Adams migrated from England to Port Carling (Ontario) at age 14. He became a Methodist probationer in 1878 and was ordained as a Methodist minister in 1881. He served churches in Western Canada and Ontario until his retirement in 1927. He also served a term as President of the Manitoba Conference.
John Basil Adams (1913-1999) was a United Church of Canada minister. Born in Mainsville, Ontario, Adams obtained his B.A. from Queen's University, his B.D. from Queen's Theological College and his masters' degree from McGill University. He was ordained by Montreal & Ottawa Conference in 1943. He served the following charges: Aylwin (Que.), 1943-1944; Oxford Mills (Ont.), 1944-1947; South Mountain, (Ont.), 1947-1950; Elgin (Ont.), 1950-1953. He joined the Royal Canadian Chaplain Corps in 1953. After retiring from the military in 1968, he founded and served as the first director of COHR (Counselling and Human Relations Institute). He retired in 1988.
J. Basil Adams died on October 8, 1999.
Arthur Peter Addison (1871-1954) was a Methodist/United Church minister. He was born in Lloydtown, Ont. In 1900 he married Elizabeth Ann Scoley. He was ordained in the Methodist Church in Toronto in 1900 and served in various churches in Ontario. He served at North Parkdale from 1921-1924, and Humbercrest from 1924-1929, when he retired.
Admaston Pastoral Charge was formed in 1925; formerly Presbyterian; it included Grace Church in Admaston, Northcote, Barr's, and Hayley's.
Prior to 1982, various regional groups existed to provide support and strategies for lesbians and gays in the United Church: United Church Gays and Lesbians of B.C.; One Loaf (Regina); The Council on Homosexuality and Religion (Winnipeg); TOUCH – Toronto United Church Homosexuals; and United Church Gays and Lesbians of Quebec (UCGLQ). The latter group, UCGLQ, offered to host and organize a gathering in Montreal days before the 29th General Council in August 1982 to explore the possibility of establishing a national network within the United Church for gay and lesbian persons.
AFFIRM – Gays and Lesbians in the United Church of Canada was established on August 5, 1982 as a national network of regional groups of lesbian and gay members and adherents of the United Church to: "Affirm gay and lesbian people within the United Church of Canada, provide a network of support among regional groups, act as a point of contact for individuals and speak to the church in a united fashion encouraging it to act prophetically and pastorally both within and beyond the church structure."
Open to all gay and lesbian people associated with the United Church of Canada, AFFIRM members could participate at the annual general meeting and establish local groups which would have representation on the National Consultative Council. The National Consultative Council, consisting of chairperson(s), secretary/treasurer, and local representatives, would appoint functions to the local groups, deal with policy making, and to make decisions between general meetings.
Affirm worked with the support of allies within Friends of Affirm, an organization of lay and order of ministry people who supported the aims and programs of Affirm. Affirm/Friends of Affirm submitted briefs to church and government decision-making bodies, spoke at church meetings, and offered educational events and resources. The Affirming Congregation Programme was launched by Affirm and Friends of Affirm in the summer of 1992 to provide materials to study the issues of inclusion and welcoming of diverse peoples, namely gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgendered people. Participating United Church organizations become Affirming Ministries.
At a joint 1994 annual general meeting, the decision was made to merge Affirm and Friends of Affirm at the national level to “afford new opportunities for all people regardless of sexual orientation to work together.” The new organization was named Affirm United/S’Affirmer Ensemble.
Rev. James Robert Aikenhead was born in Toronto in 1863, and died at the age of 83, June 16, 1946. Aikenhead entered the ministry at age 21 and his charges in Toronto included Westmoreland Avenue United Church, King Street United Church, Davenport Road United Church. Aikenhead’s wife was Elizabeth Dimsdale who was the first woman evangelist to be appointed by the Toronto Conference of the Methodist Church in 1885. His daughter, Gertrude Aikenhead was superintendent of the Fred Victor home for Girls, and he also had a son, James Aikenhead.
Ailsa Craig Pastoral Charge was formed in 1925 at church union and included: Ailsa Craig and Carlisle. Brinsley United Church would join the charge ca. 1956 with the dissolution of Crediton Pastoral Charge. It is still an active pastoral charge of the United Church of Canada.
Ailsa Craig United Church, located at 156 Main Street in Ailsa Craig, was established in 1925, formerly Presbyterian.
Brinsley United Church, located at 34713 Brinsley Road in North Middlesex, was established in 1925, formerly Methodist.
Carlisle United Church, located at 19 Falkirk Street in North Middlesex, was established in 1925, formerly Presbyterian
The Albrights were a Methodist/United Church family in Beamsville, Ontario. Charles Raymond Albright was born 1888 March 26 in South Cayuga. His parents were Josiah D. Albright and Sarah Moyer. He grew up in Beamsville, Ontario. In June 1917, he was ordained into the ministry of the Methodist Church. He retired in June 1952 and returned to Beamsville. His wife was Jean Little Wright. Other family members were his brother F.S. Albright (Fred), killed at Passchaendale in 1917, his brother W.D. Albright (Don) and his sister Mrs. Roy Hobden (Margaret). Before his death in 1960, Rev. Albright gave to The United Church of Canada a piece of property in Beamsville. This property later became the location for Albright Gardens, a community for retired United Church personnel.
The Ontario Prohibition Union was founded as a successor organization to the Ontario Branch of the Dominion Alliance at the Alliance’s Annual Convention held in Toronto, March 18, 1924. Following several turbulent and controversial years of Alliance activity, leading temperance workers were urged by the Prohibition Federation of Canada to constitute a more representative organization to unify temperance forces in Ontario. This new group was initially called the Ontario Temperance Alliance but was changed to the Ontario Prohibition Union (OPU) at a subsequent meeting. The need for greater unity in the prohibition effort was cited in the new organization’s constitution:
The temperance workers of Ontario will expect that, in its leadership of the Prohibition forces, the Ontario Prohibition Union will, very earnestly seek the co-operation of all organizations and individuals that are all in sympathy with its one great object “The total and immediate suppression of the traffic in all intoxicating Liquors and beverages.”
Policy of the Organization was set at Conventions and carried out by an Executive Committee. The Union’s activities spanned an increased emphasis on temperance tracts, non-partisan political activity urging the abolition of the liquor traffic, the organization of county units, and assistance to ‘dry’ forces in local option contests, and the forwarding of information received at OPU offices regarding bootlegging and Liquor Control Act violations to the Provincial Attorney-General’s office.
After the passing of the Liquor Control Act in 1926 approving government control of liquor sales, prohibition sentiment experienced a gradual decline, especially in urban area. In 1934 the OPU was again reorganized, this time to reflect a stronger emphasis on education rather than legislation, and emerged the Ontario Temperance Federation.
The Ontario Temperance Foundation defined itself as “An interdenominational, non-partisan organization maintained largely by support of church congregations and individuals to co-ordinate the efforts of religious and other groups concerned with the promotion of sobriety in personal conduct and social behavior.” The Ontario Temperance Foundation emerged as the most influential temperance group in the nation.
Throughout its history the Federation found its main source of support in the United and Baptist churches, and to a lesser extent among Presbyterian, Congregationalists, and a number of smaller Protestant denominations. Little or no support was provided by the Roman Catholic and Anglican churches and in many cases was never actively strong.
Combining scientific temperance with the moral appeals of earlier prohibitionists, the Federation became active in many fields, including education, youth work, legislation, community organization, and an administrative role as coordinator of provincial temperance forces. The Federation dissolved in 1968 to become the Alcohol and Drug Concerns Inc. The aim of the new organization was to promote lifestyles non dependent on drugs and alcohol, foster public awareness on the harms of those substances, advocate reduction of their use, counteract advertising promoting the use of substances, reinforcing the spiritual dimension of the work, and creating support and funding resources for the previous initiatives. In 1987 the organization surrendered its Ontario Charter and filed a National Charter to operate on a national level.
Toc Alpha was the youth wing of the Ontario Temperance Federation and antecedent organizations overseen by the Youth Work Committee. Toc Alpha stands for the letters “T” and “A” which representing “Teen Ager for Total Abstinence.” The organization served young people from fifteen to twenty-five primarily in Ontario with smaller affiliated groups across Canada.
During the 1930s the Ontario Temperance Federation organized a Total Abstinence Youth Movement and under the direction of Rev. R.A. Whattam established youth posts in local churches across Ontario. However this movement soon lapsed into inactivity. In 1944, Rev, Albert Johnston joined the Ontario Temperance Federation to expand youth work and showed films and gave talks at various high schools in Ontario. In the early 1950s, he was joined by Roy Bregg of Allied Youth from the United States and the educational work among young people was expanded. In 1953 Albert Johnston began organizing local youth conclaves where teenagers could openly discuss alcohol and related problems among themselves. This conclave movement culminated in the Christmas conference of 1957 where it was decided to organize a permanent volunteer movement to serve teenagers and young adults. Thus in 1958 TOC Alpha came into existence.
Through regional gatherings and Local organizations as well as annual conventions, the organization of Toc Alpha attempted to bring in as many young people as possible. The purpose of Toc Alpha was to encourage young people to become aware of themselves, their environment and their environment and their responsibilities, in order to relate successfully to others, particularly in the area of alcohol and other drugs. It examines the responsible use of alcohol and encourages a life style independent of its use.
Toc Alpha’s work closely related work by the United Church of Canada’s Division of Mission in Canada and the Board of Evangelism and Social Service.
Alderville United Church located at Alderville First Nation was established in 1925; formerly Methodist. It is still an active congregation of the United Church of Canada.
All People's United Church, located at 400 Antwerp Avenue in Sudbury, was established ca. 1927 as a mission to serve new Canadians in the Sudbury area, particularly Italian, Hungarian, and Finnish families. The All People's Mission Church was dedicated on January 5, 1930. This building was destroyed by fire in February 1946. The congregation temporarily met at the Finnish Hall, Sudbury until a new building was built and was officially open in October 1948. It is still an active congregation of the United Church of Canada.
All People's United Church in the early 20th century was often a multiple-point charge. The other points included at various times the following congregations: Copper Cliff, Creighton Mines, Frood, Garson, Gatchell, Grassy Lake, Kelly Lake, Levack, Naughton, New Sudbury and Trout Lake.
All Saints Church, established in 1979 was a shared ministry of the United and Anglican Churches in Noranda, Quebec. It closed on June 17, 2007.
Noranda - Rouyn United Church was established ca. 1926 with the formation of Rouyn Mission Field. A church building was constructed in 1929. In 1979 the congregation joined a shared ministry with the Anglican Church to form All Saints Anglican Church.
North-West Quebec Pastoral Charge was formed ca. 1938, and included Arntfield, Belleterre, Bousquet, Cadillac, Duparquet, McWatters, and Normetal. It was discontinued ca. 1959.
Arntfield United Church was established in 1939. It closed ca. 1958.
Annie Whitburn Allen, (1878-1973), was a Methodist/United Church missionary to Japan. Miss Annie Allen was born in Montreal on 1878 August 6. Her father, James Allen, was a Methodist minister. Annie Allen received her B.A. from Victoria College, University of Toronto in 1902. She attended the Methodist National Training School in 1904 and 1905. She was appointed to Japan by the Woman's Missionary Society in September 1905. Annie Allen returned to Canada in 1940 and retired in 1946.
James Allen, (1843-1918), was a Methodist minister in Ontario. He was born in Ireland in 1843 and came to Canada when he was three years old. He entered the ministry in 1869. He graduated from Victoria University in 1875, taking his M.A. degree in 1880. Most of his pastorates were in Ontario where he filled both rural and city charges. In 1902 he was made president of the Toronto Conference and Superintendent of Missions, spending four years in helping to establish Methodism in New Ontario, or Nippissing. In 1906 he was elected General Secretary of Home Missions and held the office until his death.